Paper transaction slips issued in the retail and banking industries are expensive, impractical and outdated. They pollute the environment, fade over time, get lost and are an irritation to everybody.
Retailers are wasting millions on issuing paper slips!
EcoSlips can be used to store electronic transaction slips, send prescriptions to pharmacies, submit expense claims and store shopping cards so that they are always available no matter where you are.
We aim to provide ONE independent service that ALL consumers can use at ANY RETAILER, bank or pay point to save transaction slips safely in the cloud, where they are easily accessible at ANY TIME from ANY LOCATION.
With EcoSlips all your cash slips, medical receipts and other transaction slips are available in the cloud 24/7.
EcoSlips is used by people who want to keep track of their expenses and submit expense reports on a regular basis to provide proof of payment.
Users that find the application most valuable are;
Drivers, sales representatives, small business owners, consultants and anyone else that need to keep track of their expenses and receipts.
![]() INSTALLthe application on your phone![]() SCANyour EcoSlip PIN at the till![]() VIEWelectronic transaction slips
Learn more about this feature packed App
Read What People Are Saying About Us
- Tobie Schoeman
- Natasha, Pretoria, SA
See what’s included in the App
The service is free for personal use, but there are a few limitations;
Direct support via email or phone is only provided to paying customers. (Free subscribers will find most of the answers in our Q&A section).
When you need to store transaction slips online for longer than 30 days or process more than 10 transactions per month a subscription fee of $60 per year is payable.
EcoSlips is a cloud based platform that consists of a website, message exchange service, administration system and integration services, linked to a mobile application. All these components are integrated to provide one coherent end-to-end solution.
EcoSlips has won the MTN App of the Year award for Best Incubated Mobile Solution 2018.
EcoSlips is a start-up based in Centurion, and was selected for incubation support via Mlab, MAXUM Business Accelerator and the SA Innovation Hub, which is funded by the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA).
Choose your native platform and get started!
For more info and support, contact us!
“I love the app, it makes being organised a lot easier :)”
- Elsabe Wilken